Frames : Start turning heads — for all the right reasons.
Faces come in different shapes and sizes. That’s why choosing the right eyeglass frame for your face – and your personality – may initially seem daunting. It’s good to know that our handpicked opticians are trained to help you choose a frame that’s right for you. From petite to extra-large – and everything in between – we have an amazing selection of ready-to-wear and custom, made-to-measure frames to complement your face and work with your prescription.
We select our frame collections with you in mind, and many of our eyewear collections are only available at Arlington Optical. By the way, we’re also the only Central Ohio retailer that can make Chemistrie magnetic Sunclips in our in-house lab.

“At Arlington Optical, we understand that you want to improve your vision – and look great at the same time. We can help you achieve that goal, thanks to our wide frame selection and our team of trained experts.” – Tim McNemar
Lenses : How they work for you.
Although there are hundreds of lens designs available, it’s important to know that all lenses are not created equal. In fact, selecting the right lens is a complex science. The good news is, our licensed opticians will choose a lens that suits your lifestyle and budget based on your personal Rx needs. Learn more about Lens Types, Lens Materials and Coatings and Lens Designs here.
Specialty Eyewear
Sports Eyewear
At Arlington Optical, we offer protective eyewear to enhance all types of athletic performance. In fact, we can adapt your prescription to the protective eyewear that’s most suitable for your sport, including scuba masks and ski goggles.
Computer Eyewear
If you spend long hours in front of a computer screen – and who doesn’t these days – you’ll be glad to know that we make customized eyewear specifically designed to enhance ergonomic working distances. These eyeglasses are equipped with special lenses for computer use or as progressive lenses to be used for both computer work and reading.
Specific Task Eyewear
No matter the task, we have a magnifying lens that can help. From beading and needlework to stamp collecting, fly tying or even shaving, our task-specific eyewear is designed to accommodate your special interests.
Music Eyewear
Whether conducting the orchestra or playing an instrument, we can make sure your eyewear works effectively at the focal distance necessary to perform.
Contact Lenses
So you’ve set your sights on contact lenses? Our optometrist can fit you with the latest in contact lens technology, including single vision, multifocal or rigid gas permeable contacts. New contact lens materials and designs now offer better comfort, health and vision than ever before. Soft silicone hydrogel lenses are oxygen permeable and breathable. Daily disposable lenses offer increased comfort and convenience. And multifocal lenses make it possible to see near and far distances – and everything in between.
Already have a contact lens prescription? Just ask, and we’ll order any contact lens for you. Simply contact us for more information.

Low Vision/Macular Degeneration Aids
Our opticians will demonstrate how our extensive selection of high-quality, low-vision aids can help with your vision problems.
We have all the necessary accessories for your eyewear, including some fun, different options you probably didn’t know existed. We carry everything from makeup magnifying glasses and eyeglass charms to floaters that keep your glasses visible if you drop them in the lake.